New Workspace feature ‘Transform’ makes data analysis 10x easier!

I hope you had great holidays! Our team at Wobby wishes you a bright 2024! As we step into the new year, I have an exciting new Wobby feature to share with you!

New Workspace Feature: ‘Transform’ step

We just rolled out a new feature in Wobby’s Workspace that makes analyzing data much faster and more intuitive. We call it the Transform-step. Now, you can quickly transform your data, like filtering out values you don’t need, select the columns you want to focus on, or organizing data in pivot tables.

How The Transform Step Works

The Transform step lets you quickly filter, select, and pivot your raw data. You can remove columns you don’t need and organize the data how you want in just a few clicks.

Some key things you can do with the Transform step:

  • Filter rows, select the data you need
  • Pivot data from rows to columns or vice versa
  • Apply calculations like sums or averages
  • Select which columns you want to be visible

The Transform step is now available in your Wobby Workspace!

Give us feedback!

Your insights and feedback are invaluable to us. Let us know how the ‘Transform’ step works for you and share any suggestions you have to further refine Wobby in 2024.

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